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woman with stethoscope assisting elderly man to walk
What is continuous care, and when is it needed?

Understanding Continuous Care

Continuous care is one of the four levels of hospice. This level focuses on providing immediate intervention through symptom control and intensive management. Continuous care is also known as crisis care because it may be necessary when a patient no longer responds to the medication. When this happens, a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals will oversee and supervise the patient’s health 24/7 or for extended periods. The team will monitor the patient’s health and create necessary adjustments and modifications to the patient’s care plan and medications as symptoms occur. The providence of continuous care will only end once the symptoms are declared fully managed & the patient feels comfortable or when the patient has passed away.

Continuous care may be provided to patients in their own homes or a long-term care facility. However, patients in an inpatient hospice unit, hospital, or skilled nursing facility are not eligible to receive this treatment.

Symptoms Requiring Continuous Care

  • Severe, Uncontrolled Pain
  • Bleeding
  • Acute Respiratory Distress
  • Incessant Nausea, Vomiting, or Diarrhea
  • Agitation or Restlessness
  • Seizures
  • Change in Level of Consciousness

Other Levels of Hospice Care

Are You Ready to Get the Care You Need?

Feel free to set an appointment with us or call us at 888-367-7058 for inquiries. We’ll be glad to address your concerns promptly.